The numerical list is simply placed by number in the order that the transcribers came across the stones, going by rows. Every stone was given a number and then placed on a hand-drawn map. Since there were two of us transcribing the cemetery from opposite ends of the cemetery, there are two maps and two sets of data beginning at one. Map-set A is my data and Map-set B will be Mary Mayville's data.

Because there are two different maps it may be harder to find who you are looking for. Simply go to one list and press Ctrl + F and type in the name of who you are looking for. The goal of this Numerical listing is to provide visitors with an idea of what stones are near each other, in an attempt to connect families easier, etc. If there are any problems, let me know (jamberleaschmitt[@] -- first remove the [] ).

Map-set A:
Map A
Numerical List A

Map-set B:
Numerical List B